Vice President

S.V.R. Krishnan
Vice President - IPPTA
ED (Opns) - Khanna Paper Mills Ltd.
Indian Pulp & Paper Industry is making remarkable strides in the last one decade, in all the fields with the special focus on” digitization and sustainability of the Business.
A decade ago, these used to happen only in the so called bigger Integrated Pulp & Paper Mills and not much in the recycled fibre based medium and small mills, due to lack of awareness, resources and commitment levels, Now in the last one decade most of the medium to small mills also started commendable activities in improving the quality of the final product, efficiency of operations and in ensuring the sustainability of the Business in the long run.
Though after the Covid 19, we in the industry did not have even one single full year without any disruption, the industry through various internal measures managed to survive the crisis period and still stay afloat. The turbulence periods like Russia – Ukraine war, red seas crisis and Israel – Gaza war (Israel- Hamas War) have made us more robust, engaged us in Smart Procurement, Efficient Manufacturing and Prudent Financial Management.
As the Business now happens in the new format. We need to align all our resources for the best possible Asset Utilization, Energy conservation and Environment protection, which would ensure the overall Sustainability of any Organization. This can be better done and accomplished by adopting the “TRIPPLE P” concept: “PEOPLE – PLANET PROFIT”.
IPPTA, as the well renowned technical body of the Pulp & Paper Industry, both in India and Overseas, continuously trying to raise the knowledge platform and also up-skill the technical workforce in the Indian Pulp & Paper Industry, through Zonal conferences, Seminars and Technical forums, on Pan India basis.
We at IPPTA, shall put in our best efforts to bring the latest Technologies to meet the Industry Challenges, guide and support the Indian Pulp & Paper Industry to achieve better and better results.
Wishing IPPTA, Pulp & Paper Mills and Industry colleagues all the very best in their future endeavors.